
The Daily Drive-in Office


Art Direction

OOH Experience

Product Design

UX/UI Design

The Pandemic has brought the economy to a screeching halt, leaving us to adjust to working from home. It was nice for a while, until the sobering reality of working through family chaos had us looking for reasons to get out of the house again. With the Daily Drive in Office, Spotify introduces a new normal that reinvents the daily commute and the Daily Drive playlist.


  • During the pandemic, people are no longer commuting to work. Though some enjoy leisurely drives, most drivers are still choosing to tune into the radio rather than Spotify.


  • Show how Your Daily Drive can play a role in the car, beyond the traditional commute.


  • Over 1 million parking lots across the country are empty without any use while everyone is working remote.


  1. The Spotify Daily Drive in Office gives people the opportunity to get out of the house and work from their cars alone or in groups in customized parking lots.